In the same way that a paper shopping list holds many ‘types’ of shopping in one place, a Python list holds many ‘types’ of data in one place.
myList = [1, 3, 5, 7] # homogenous list
myList = [1, "dog", 7.01] # heterogenous list
myList = [] # empty list
Python lists are always recognisable by their “square brackets”: [...]
In fact, when I say lists can hold many types of data, I should have said that they can hold any type of data:
The output of print(a)
Lists are ‘indexed’ numerically from the zero-th element:
geographers [ | 0 | 1 | 2 | ] |
Massey 1 | Harvey 2 | Rose 3 |
We can also use variables as list indexes:
Anything that evaluates (i.e. resolves) to a number can be used as an index:
We can ‘count’ backwards from the end of the list using negative numbers:
Errors can be scary… but informative!
IndexError: list index out of range
And then try:
TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not float
Notice that Python gives us important hints about the source of the problem!
You can access more than one element at a time using a slice:
geographers = ["Massey", "Harvey", "Rose"]
print( geographers[0:2] ) # ['Massey','Harvey']
print( geographers[1:] ) # ['Harvey', 'Rose']
print( geographers[-2:] ) # ['Harvey', 'Rose']
The syntax for a slice is: list[ <start_idx>, <end_idx> ]
, but end_idx
is not included in the slice. And notice:
What do you think this will produce?
See if you can work out in your head before typing it!
tells you where something can be found in a list:
geographers = ["Massey", "Harvey", "Rose"]
geographers.index("Harvey") # 1
geographers.index("Massey") # 0
Combining ideas that will become very useful later:
What do you think this prints? Why does it work at all?
has one flaw:
geographers = ["Massey", "Harvey", "Rose"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: 'Batty' is not in list
If ‘throwing an error’ is overkill, then here’s another way:
We can sort lists in alpha-numerical order:
geographers = ["Massey", "Harvey", "Rose"]
print(geographers) # ['Harvey', 'Massey', 'Rose']
And we can reverse-sort too:
Mutable == “liable or subject to change or alteration”
Let’s replace Rose with Jefferson1 in the list.
When we insert()
items into, or pop()
items out of, a list we normally need to specify the index.
geographers = ["Massey", "Harvey", "Jefferson"]
geographers.insert(0,"von Humboldt")
# ['von Humboldt', 'Massey', 'Harvey', 'Jefferson']
geographers.insert(3,"von Humboldt")
# ['von Humboldt', 'Massey', 'Harvey', 'von Humboldt', 'Jefferson']
And in ‘reverse’:
There are two ways to remove David Harvey from the list of geographers without writing this:
geographers = ['von Humboldt', 'Massey', 'Harvey', 'Jefferson']
geographers.pop(2) # Do not use this answer!
We combine lists using addition:
Note that this is not the same!
female_geographers = ['Rose','Valentine','Massey','Jefferson']
male_geographers = ['Von Humboldt','Harvey','Hägerstrand']
all_geographers = []
print(all_geographers) # [['Rose',...], [..., 'Hägerstrand']]
print(all_geographers[0]) # ['Rose', ..., 'Jefferson']
What do you think has happened here?
male_geographers = ['Von Humboldt','Harvey','Hägerstrand']
What do you think this will produce? And why do you think that append
appears to do something different in these two examples?
gives you the length of ‘countable’ things:
geographers = ["Massey","Harvey","Rose"]
print("Massey" in geographers) # True
print("Batty" in geographers) # False
is a ValueError
that causes your Python code to fail.
Why might you choose one of these over the other?
How would you change this code:
geographers = ["Massey","Harvey","Rose"]
print("Massey" in geographers)
print("Batty" in geographers)
So that it prints:
You will have seen the answer to this in Code Camp, but you can also Google it†!
Because they come up a lot in geo-data, it’s worth knowing about tuples, which are basically immutable lists:
t = (52.124021, -0.0012012)
print(type(t)) # <class 'tuple'>
print(t) # (52.124021, -0.0012012)
print(t[0]) # 52.124021
But this…
will throw an error:
TypeError: ‘tuple’ object does not support item assignment
Lists • Jon Reades