File Formats

Jon Reades

From Files to Data

In order to read a file you need to know a few things:

  • What distinguishes one record from another?
  • What distinguishes one field from another?
  • What ensures that a field or record is valid?
  • Does the data set have row or column names? (a.k.a. headers & metadata)
  • Is the metadata in a separate file or embedded in the file?

Structure of a Tabular Data File

Row and column names make it a lot easier to find and refer to data (e.g. the ‘East of England row’ or the ‘Total column’) but they are not data and don’t belong in the data set itself.

Usually, one record (a.k.a. observation) finishes and the next one starts with a ‘newline’ (\n) or ’carriage return (\r) or both (\r\n) but it could be anything (e.g. EOR).

Usually, one field (a.k.a. attribute or value) finishes and the next one starts with a comma (,) which gives rise to CSV (Comma-Separate Values), but it could be tabs (\t) or anything else too (; or | or EOF).

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

Reading data is a very common challenge so… there is a probably a package or class for that! You don’t need to tell Python how to read Excel files, SQL files, web pages… find a package that does it for you!

Most Common Formats

Extension Field Separator Record Separator Python Package
.csv , but separator can appear in fields enclosed by ". \n but could be \r or \r\n. csv
.tsv or .tab \t and unlikely to appear in fields. \n but could be \r or \r\n. csv (!)
.xls or .xlsx Binary, you need a library to read. Binary, you need a library to read. xlrd/xlsxwriter
.sav or .sas Binary, you need a library to read. Binary, you need a library to read. pyreadstat
.json, .geojson Complex (,, [], {}), but plain text. Complex (,, [], {}), but plain text json, geojson
.feather Binary, you need a library to read. Binary, you need a library to read. pyarrow, geofeather
.parquet Binary, you need a library to read. Binary, you need a library to read. pyarrow

‘Mapping’ Data Types

You will often see the term ‘mapping’ used in connection to data that is not spatial, what do they mean? A map is the term used in some programming languages for a dict! So it’s about key : value pairs again.

Here’s a mapping

Input (e.g. Excel) Output (e.g. Python)
NULL, N/A, “” None or np.nan
0..n int
0.00…n float
True/False, Y/N, 1/0 bool
R, G, B (etc.) int or str (technically a set, but hard to use with data sets)
‘Jon Reades’, ‘Huanfa Chen’, etc. str
‘3-FEB-2020’, ‘10/25/20’, etc. datetime module (date, datetime or time)

Testing a Mapping

Working out an appropriate mapping (representation of the data) is hugely time-consuming.

It’s commonly held that 80% of data science is data cleaning.

The Unix utilities (grep, awk, tail, head) can be very useful for quickly exploring the data in order to develop a basic understanding of the data and to catch obvious errors.

You should never assume that the data matches the spec.

Why This Isn’t Easy

Label These

Things That Can Go Wrong…

A selection of real issues I’ve seen in my life:

  1. Truncation: server ran out of diskspace or memory, or a file transfer was interrupted.
  2. Translation: headers don’t line up with data.
  3. Swapping: column order differs from spec.
  4. Incompleteness: range of real values differs from spec.
  5. Corruption: field delimitters included in field values.
  6. Errors: data entry errors resulted in incorrect values or the spec is downright wrong.
  7. Irrelevance: fields that simply aren’t relevant to your analysis.

These will generally require you to engage with columns and rows (via sampling) on an individual level.

> Why We Need an Arrow, a Duck, and a Parquet

Arrow and Parquet

  • Arrow is an in-memory columnar format for data. Data is stored in a structured way in RAM making it blazingly fast for operations.
  • Parquet is a highly-compressed columnar file format for data. Data is stored in a structured way on your hard drive.
  • Feather is a raw storage format for Arrow.

TL;DR: for most applications Parquet will give nice, small files on disk and the benefits of columnar file storage; for computationally intensive applications where disk space and interoperability with other systems isn’t an issue then Feather might work.

What About the Duck?

  • Serverless SQL queries against Parquet files
  • Queries returned as Pandas data frames
  • Select and filter before loading
  • Fast conversion between CSV and Parquet via Arrow

For (Later) Reference

# Notice the engine and dtype_backend options
df = pandas.read_csv(fname, engine='pyarrow', 

# And for parquet files
df = pandas.read_parquet(fname, columns=[...])

# And for DuckDB we can actually joing two
# files before they even get to Python!
q = f'''
    read_parquet('epc-ppd-2022-*.parquet') as ppd, 
    read_parquet('epc-ldd-2022-*.parquet') as ldd,
  WHERE ppd.uid=ldd.uid
df = duckdb.query(q).df()

P.S. There’s also a command-line tool for DuckDB so you don’t even need Python.
