Hello, QGIS!


QGIS is constantly evolving, so from time to time they make changes that impact the UI (User Interface). Don’t stress if what you’re seeing in QGIS on your monitor differs slightly from the screenshots here: take a minute to see if things are similar but just look a bit different, look around to see if things have just moved, and use Google if you need to.

1 Getting Started

QGIS can be found under the Raspberry Pi menu (top-left) and then in Education. Start QGIS and you’ll get a welcome page showing previously created projects (if any) and some general information about QGIS. Next, create a new, empty document by clicking on the… wait for it… `New Empty Document’ area visible on the Welcome Page or on the ‘blank’ document icon at the top-left of the screenshot below.

QGIS Welcome Screen

The QGIS Welcome Screen

Ready to Begin

An empty QGIS document

2 Adding OSM Data

OSM stands for ‘Open Street Map’ and it’s the largest open data set in the world – companies like Apple and Uber rely on OSM (and contribute data to it) so that they aren’t dependent on Google!


What if you don’t see Quick Map Services under the Web menu? Don’t panic! This service is a plugin and you can you can install it by clicking on the plugin menu item, selecting ’’

Installing a Plugin

2.1 Add OSM Map Layer

Under the Web menu item at the top of your screen is a QuickMapServices option:

  1. Under Web in the main application window…
  2. Pick QuickMapServices
  3. Pick OSM (Open Street Map)
  4. Pick OSM Standard
Adding the OSM Layer

Screenshot from QGIS on a Mac showing location of the QuickMapServices OSM layer

2.2 Find Brixton

Now zoom in on London using the magnifying glass (with the +) as below:

Zooming In

Zooming in on Brixton in OSM

Panning (keeping the same zoom level but noving the map) is done using the Hand icon or by pressing the space bar and dragging the mouse. If you leave the mouse hovering over a button you will get some simple help to tell you what the button does. See if you can get Brixton in the centre of the map!


Zooming and panning controls

2.3 Check Out Street View

If you click on the Google Street View icon (Street View icon) and then click+drag anywhere on the map you will open Google Street View in your web browser showing the view from that point in the direction selected.


Google Street View is also a plugin that you can install yourself. Many bits of useful functionality are provided by others: that’s the open source benefit… occassionally a cost when a useful plugin is abandoned.

Street View Tool in Action

Street View Tool Output

2.4 Add Some ‘Real’ Data

Under the Vector menu you’ll see a QuickOSM option, and then a second QuickOSM menu item. select this. This will open a new popup menu.

We are now going to build a query, meaning that we’ll be asking OpenStreetMap’s servers to find us locations fitting a particular description/having a particular tag. There are many tags and many choices, so a good way to find out what you want is to Google OSM wiki <x> where <x> is whatever you’re looking for (e.g. yoga studios, bars, etc.).

Data Volumes

London has a lot of data, so you must change the In drop-down to Canvas Extent and ensure you’re fairly zoomed-in on Brixton if you don’t want to be waiting a very long time for data.

As a first go, your query could look like this one for ‘local bars’:

Quick OSM Query for Bars in the Area

A query for local bars (i.e. those on the canvas) in OSM

Depending on how far you were zoomed in when you created this query, after clicking Run Query you might get an answer nearly instantly or have to wait up to a couple of minutes! When the query completes you should see that two new layers have appeared in the lower left-hand corner of the QGIS app:

Amenity layers created by Quick OSM Query

If you’re having trouble seeing the bars that you’ve added, try turning off the OSM Standard layer by clicking the tic-box next to its name!

2.5 More Information Please!

Select one of the two new amenity_bar layers by clicking on it in the Layers area, and then pick the ‘info’ button (it’s an arrow with an i in a blue circle). See what information you can find out about some of the bars!

Active Layers

Notice that you can only get information for a layer that you’ve selected in the Layers panel. In the screenshot below amenity_bar with a circle icon is selected so I can only use the ‘info’ button to get more information about data in that layer.

Inspecting an individual element

2.6 Questions

  1. Why do you think that two layers named amenity_bar were added to QGIS? Hint: try right-clicking on each one in turn and picking Zoom to Layers then turn each amenity layer on and off in turn while seeing if you can spot the difference!
  2. Using the information button, can you think about other ways that you might be able to find Brixton bars? Hint: while using amenity=bar is likely the best way, it’s definitely not the only way! Are there other attributes that might help?
  3. Using the tip below, see if you can use multiple criteria in your QuickOSM search to find Yoga Studios in the area. Hint: this will be a Boolean logic problem that you would encounter in any programming class.
  4. Using what you’ve been discussing in previous classes together with some ideas contained in this Twitter thread see if you can come up with some other QuickOSM queries to pull data on possible markers of gentrification in the Brixton area.
Using the OSM Wiki

If you’re not sure how to find something then check the OSM Wiki. For instance, if you Google OSM Wiki yoga you will get tips on searching for yoga studios using synonyms.

3 Get the Remaining Data

OK, now let’s get the rest of data that we need for this practical. I’ve (partially) prepared some data for you so that you don’t have to track everything down yourselves.

There are three files you need:

  1. Borough Boundaries
  2. London LSOA boundaries
  3. LSOA-level Census Data

Once these have been downloaded, I would suggest moving all of these to your ‘Documents’ folder before double-clicking them to unzip the Zip archives. The GeoPackage (.gpkg) does not need to be unzipped.

4 Add the Boroughs

‘Vector’ data that is already ready to display on a map is easy to add to QGIS. Under the Layer menu option select Add Layer then Add Vector Layer as shown below.

Adding a Vector Layer

This will bring up the Add Vector Layer popup and you then click on the ... to navigate to where you saved London.gpkg. Select this, click Add, and see what happens!

Vector Layer Popup

Hmmmmm, what is this?

Transform Choices

For now, just take the selected the option, click OK to make the Transform popup go away, and then click Close to make the Add Vector Layer popup disappear.

You will now need to zoom out quite a bit to see what you’ve done!

4.1 Rearranging Layers

Take a close look at the Layers area in QGIS. If London has ended up in between your amenity... layers you may want to rearrange things so that it’s at the bottom, just above the OSM Standard layer. You do that by clicking-and-dragging as shown here:

Dragging layers to rearrage

4.2 Styling Boroughs

Now that you can clearly see both London and any OSM layers:

  1. Right-click (Ctrl+Click on a Mac) on the layer and pick Properties to open the Layer Properties popup
  2. Pick Symbology from the area on the left.
  3. Click on the area labelled Simple Fill (see below).
  4. Change the Fill color to No brush
  5. Change the Stroke color to a dark red.
Video of Changing Layer Style


Your Layer Properties should look something like this:

Click OK and have a close look at your map of London. You should now see the boroughs outlined in red with the OSM Standard layer visible ‘behind’ and any QuickOSM layers visible ‘on top’.

4.3 Labelling Boroughs

Right-click on the London layer again to bring up Properties, but this time pick Labels from the left-hand side:

  1. Change No labels to Single labels.
  2. The Value should already be set to NAME (which is what we want)
  3. Change the font size to 14 (from 10.0000).
  4. Click OK and you should now see labels for each borough.
Video of Adding Layer Labels


5 Adding LSOAs

Find and double-click on LSOA_2011_London_gen_MHW.shp. Your computer might add the layer to your current QGIS document, or the computer might just say that it has no idea what to do. The better way to add data is using the Add Vector Layer menu option or short-cut (again).

  1. From Layer select Add Vector Layer
  2. You’ll see that you’re in the Data Source Manager popup with the Vector option selected.
  3. Again, click on the ... (to the right of Vector Dataset(s)).
  4. And navigate to where you unzipped the unzipped LSOA files.
  5. Select LSOA_2011_London_gen_MHW.shp
  6. Click Add
Rearrange the Layers

If the LSOA layer has appeared on top of the London boroughs layer then just drag-and-drop to rearrange the order so that the LSOAs are ‘behind’ the boroughs!

See if you can change the style of the LSOA layer to something like the image below. Remember that you do this through Layer Properties!

Map with LSOAs added

6 Let’s Talk Data

OK, finally we need to add the ‘real’ data to the map! The CSV file that you downloaded and unzipped into Census_2001_2011.csv contains the following attributes:

  • Median House Prices in 2001 & 2011
  • Median Household Income in 2001 & 2011
  • Percentage with Level 4+ NVQ Qualifications in 2001 & 2011
  • Percentage of Higher and Lower Managerial Workers in 2001 & 2011

The first few rows look like this:

lsoacd House Prices 2001 Percentage with Level 4+ Qualifications 2001 Percentage of Knowledge Workers 2001 Household Income 2001 House Prices 2011 Percentage with Level 4+ Qualifications 2011 Percentage of Knowledge Workers 2011 Household Income 2011
E01000001 255450 72.3120169 86.3765374 45630 504999.5 77.5555556 88.6609071 65520
E01000002 244000 68.3584457 86.0125261 44970 525000 79.195669 87.3626374 66300
E01000003 175000 50.3252033 65.6019656 36330 350000 56.8438003 72.9057592 54140
E01000005 132000 31.3237221 47.1794872 31530 300000 34.4701583 46.2184874 46740
E01032739 230000 64.6043162 80.6902998 44710 447500 73.6465781 84.1269841 62460

The lsoacd is the key field here since it tells us what LSOA (a.k.a. small neighbourhood-type area) is being ‘talked about’ here.


Thinking as a scientist about what we’ve discussed in earlier sessions, answer the following questions about the data and how they might connect to questions about gentrification:

  1. What does each row represent?
  2. What does each column represent?
  3. What is the significance of 2001 and 2011 as dates for providing us with data? The answer is in the name of the file…
  4. Why did I provide you with median instead of mean house prices and household incomes? This is a maths question and your hint is: \(\sigma^{2} = \frac{\sum(x-\bar{x})^{2}}{N}\).
  5. Why did I provide you with median household income instead of median individual income? This is a measurment bias question…
  6. What is a Level 4 (or more) NVQ and why would I include this in the file? Use Google to find this out…
  7. Why would the share of Higher and Lower Managerial workers be included? You might need to look at the National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification.

7 Add the Census Data

Click on the Layer menu and then pick Data Source Manager (DSM) in the menu at the top of your screen. This will bring up the dialogue box below, and then pick Delimited Text (as in the image below).

Data Source Manager

You now need to follow these steps carefully:

  1. Make sure that Delimitted Text is selected in the left-hand area.
  2. Click on the ... to the right of ‘File name’ in the DSM manager.
  3. Find where you saved the Census_2001_2011.csv file, select it, and pick Open.

You can see that there are data types in the Sample Data area (double, string, etc.). We’ll accept the defaults that QGIS has chosen for us, but we could, for instace, tell QGIS to use integers instead of double-precision floats for House Prices since people don’t pay £157,340.26 for a house! Before you click ‘Add’, we need to tell QGIS that there’s no geometry (i.e. nothing to actually map):

  1. Click on the black triangle next to Geometry Definition and make sure that No geometry (attribute only table) is selected.
  2. Now click Add, then Close once the DSM turns blank and…

Nothing has changed! WTF???

Adding a CSV file to QGIS


The reason we can’t see any changes on the map is that we’ve just added data, not mapped data.

8 Joining Data

This is the last thing we want to do before breaking, and it’s the hardest. We need to help QGIS to show, say, house prices in 2001 by linking (joining) the CSV data that we just added to the LSOA layer that we added earlier.

There’s a set of videos to show you how it’s done.

8.1 Part 1: Creating the Join

Part 1: Creating the Join


Step-by-step this is:

  1. Right-click on the LSOA layer and select Properties.
  2. Select Joins from the left-hand side of the Layers popup.
  3. Click the + button.
  4. In the Add Vector Join popup:
    • Change the Join layer to the CSV file.
    • The Join Field should change to lsoacd automatically, but in case it doesn’t…
    • The Target Field should already be LSOA11CD, but in case it isn’t…
  5. Click OK

Again, nothing seems to have changed!

8.2 Part 2: Checking the Join

Part 2: Checking the Join


If nothing has changed, how do we know if it ‘worked’, or even what the heck happened:

  1. Right-click on the LSOA layer again and select Open Attribute Table.
  2. In the resulting popup, scroll all the way to the right.
  3. You should see that the columns from the Census data CSV file have been added to the LSOA data file, row-by-row!

Close the table now that we’ve checked the data was added.

8.3 Part 3: Changing the Symbology

Part 3: Changing the Symbology


Now let’s see what we can do with our joined data:

  1. Select the Layer Properties and pick Symbology from the left-hand side of the popup.
  2. At the top of the popup change Single Symbol to Graduated, which means that the colour will now depend on a data value!
  3. Set the Value to the 2001 house price data.
  4. Change the Color ramp (if you like)
  5. Change the number of Classes (if you like)
  6. Change the Mode (if you like)
  7. Click Classify to see your changes.
  8. Click Apply and then OK

Now your map looks different!

8.4 Part 4: Checking the Results

Part 4: Checking the Results


In this last part we just want to check the results make some kind of sense. In my video, using Rocket colour ramp, the lightest colours are the highest values. Here is use the ‘info’ button again to find the highest value in the data set and check based on the colour and check what the price was in 2001.

9 Save & Get Coffee

One last thing: let’s save our work.

  1. The join is temporary (you will lose it if you shut down QGIS) so let’s save a new layer.
  • Right-click on the LSOA layer.
  • Select Export and Save Features As...
  • Click on the ... next to File name and choose a place to save your new file. We will use the GeoPackage format because it’s easy to save/load.
  • Make sure that Add saved file to map is ticked at the bottom of the popup.
  • Click OK and you should see a green feedback message appear after a few seconds saying Layer Exported: Success... and a new layer without any colouring appear in the Layers area of QGIS.
  1. Copy the layer style:
  • We don’t want to have to recreate the colour-scheme that we created above again, so let’s copy+paste!
  • Right-click on the original LSOA layer and pick Styles then Copy style and All style categories.
  • Now select the new LSOA layer and pick Styles then Paste style and All style categories.
  • Both layers should now have the same styles: how could you check this using the Layers options in QGIS?
  1. Save the QGIS project by clicking on the Save icon and giving your project a name.
Save the Join to a new GeoPackage


10 Congratulations!

Congrats, you’ve created your first choropleth map in addition to running a query on a spatial database, and doing a non-spatial database join.