Group Self-Evaluation
This self- and peer-mark assessment (10%) due Friday, 20 December 2024 (@18:00) asks you to reflect on the process of ‘doing data science’ as part of a team, since this format is typical of real-world projects. Many companies (e.g. Apple, Google, etc.) employ an Agile project format in which teams undertake a ‘Retrospective’ at the end of a project in order to identify ways to improve how they work in the future. We are not asking you to do this as a group, but we hope that this will help you to develop as a budding analyst or data scientist.
You will be asked to score both yourself and the rest of the group on their contribution to the project. Keep in mind that someone who wrote the code may be more ‘visible’ than the person who ensured that the code was actually answering the question, and the fact that you’re much more likely to be aware of your own contributions than you are of the contributions of others.
The guidance for this is:
Thinking about the many ways — visible and less visible — that a student can contribute to the success of a group project, please rank the contributions made by your team-mates towards the group project as well as provide any comments you feel are pertinent. Write your comments in a professional and constructive way, as this will be seen by your peers afterwards, though commentators will remain anonymous. You also need to assess yourself!
Justify this score with reference to the guidance provided in class (and linked to here, here, and here).