Practical 10: Presenting Data

Visualisation and Tables


This practical focusses on the final topic we want to cover in Foundations: visualisation! You will have seen quite a bit of this across the preceding three to four weeks, but it was done in an ad-hoc way, here we try to systematise things a bit.

🔗 Connections

Here we’re trying to tidy up the loose ends. You’ve already worked with basic data visualisations in Seaborn and Matplotlib (including (geo)panda’s plot function), but we want you to have a better sense of how that works as part of a coherent – if altogether rather complex and overwhelming – approach to managing a data visualisation.


import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import seaborn as sns

import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from requests import get
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from functools import wraps

def check_cache(f):
    def wrapper(src, dst, min_size=100):
        url = urlparse(src) # We assume that this is some kind of valid URL 
        fn  = os.path.split(url.path)[-1] # Extract the filename
        dsn = os.path.join(dst,fn) # Destination filename
        if os.path.isfile(dsn) and os.path.getsize(dsn) > min_size:
            print(f"+ {dsn} found locally!")
            print(f"+ {dsn} not found, downloading!")
            return(f(src, dsn))
    return wrapper

def cache_data(src:str, dst:str) -> str:
    """Downloads a remote file.
    The function sits between the 'read' step of a pandas or geopandas
    data frame and downloading the file from a remote location. The idea
    is that it will save it locally so that you don't need to remember to
    do so yourself. Subsequent re-reads of the file will return instantly
    rather than downloading the entire file for a second or n-th itme.
    src : str
        The remote *source* for the file, any valid URL should work.
    dst : str
        The *destination* location to save the downloaded file.
        A string representing the local location of the file.

    # Convert the path back into a list (without)
    # the filename -- we need to check that directories
    # exist first.
    path = os.path.split(dst)[0]
    print(f"Path: {path}")
    # Create any missing directories in dest(ination) path
    # -- os.path.join is the reverse of split (as you saw above)
    # but it doesn't work with lists... so I had to google how
    # to use the 'splat' operator! os.makedirs creates missing
    # directories in a path automatically.
    if path != '':
        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
    # Download and write the file
    with open(dst, "wb") as file:
        response = get(src)
    print(' + Done downloading...')

    return dst

Using Maplotlib

Anatomy of a Figure


You might want to bookmark the ‘Anatomy of a Figure’ image so that you can easily find and refer to it in the future. This structure is why matplotlib is so much nastier than ggplot, but it does also give you greater control over the output if you really dig into the guts of things.

One of the reasons that Matplotlib is so much more complex than ggplot is that it can actually do a lot more than ggplot, including image manipulation, axis translation, and even 3D. You can get a sense of this by looking at the tutorials since the Users guide can be a bit overwhelming.

Nevertheless, the core components of all matplotlib figures can be seen here:

Anatomy of a Figure

Finding Fonts

I find matplotlib’s use of fonts to be profoundly weird. If you use conda and install directly on to the computer then you might have access to all of your computer’s fonts (though there are different types of fonts as well, not all of which will show up), but for most users it will be those that were installed into Docker.

Listing Fonts


Depending on how you are running the notebook, you may not be able to see all of the fonts available on your system. If the notebook is running in a Docker container it only has access to the fonts that are installed in the container. In other words: don’t panic if you don’t see the font(s) you want..

from matplotlib import font_manager
from IPython.core.display import HTML

flist = font_manager.findSystemFonts()
names = []
for fname in flist:
    except RuntimeError:
        pass # Think the issue is emoji-support/colour fonts

print(f"Found {len(set(names))} fonts.")

def make_html(fontname):
    return "<p>{font}: <span style='font-family:{font}; font-size: 18px;'>{font}</p>".format(font=fontname)

code = "\n".join([make_html(font) for font in sorted(set(names))])

HTML("<div style='column-count: 2;'>{}</div>".format(code))
Found 392 fonts.

.Aqua Kana: .Aqua Kana

.Keyboard: .Keyboard

.LastResort: .LastResort

.New York: .New York

.SF Arabic: .SF Arabic

.SF Arabic Rounded: .SF Arabic Rounded

.SF Armenian: .SF Armenian

.SF Armenian Rounded: .SF Armenian Rounded

.SF Camera: .SF Camera

.SF Compact: .SF Compact

.SF Compact Rounded: .SF Compact Rounded

.SF Georgian: .SF Georgian

.SF Georgian Rounded: .SF Georgian Rounded

.SF Hebrew: .SF Hebrew

.SF Hebrew Rounded: .SF Hebrew Rounded

.SF NS Mono: .SF NS Mono

.SF NS Rounded: .SF NS Rounded

.SF Soft Numeric: .SF Soft Numeric

.ThonburiUI: .ThonburiUI

Academy Engraved LET: Academy Engraved LET

Al Bayan: Al Bayan

Al Nile: Al Nile

Al Tarikh: Al Tarikh

American Typewriter: American Typewriter

Amethyst: Amethyst

Andale Mono: Andale Mono

Antonio: Antonio

Apple Braille: Apple Braille

Apple Chancery: Apple Chancery

Apple SD Gothic Neo: Apple SD Gothic Neo

Apple Symbols: Apple Symbols

AppleGothic: AppleGothic

AppleMyungjo: AppleMyungjo

Arial: Arial

Arial Black: Arial Black

Arial Hebrew: Arial Hebrew

Arial Narrow: Arial Narrow

Arial Rounded MT Bold: Arial Rounded MT Bold

Arial Unicode MS: Arial Unicode MS

Athelas: Athelas

Avenir: Avenir

Avenir Next: Avenir Next

Avenir Next Condensed: Avenir Next Condensed

Ayuthaya: Ayuthaya

Baghdad: Baghdad

Bangla MN: Bangla MN

Bangla Sangam MN: Bangla Sangam MN

Barlow: Barlow

Baskerville: Baskerville

Beirut: Beirut

Bergamo Caps: Bergamo Caps

Bergamo Pro: Bergamo Pro

Bergamo Std: Bergamo Std

Big Caslon: Big Caslon

Big Shoulders Display: Big Shoulders Display

Bodoni 72: Bodoni 72

Bodoni 72 Oldstyle: Bodoni 72 Oldstyle

Bodoni 72 Smallcaps: Bodoni 72 Smallcaps

Bodoni Ornaments: Bodoni Ornaments

Bradley Hand: Bradley Hand

Brush Script MT: Brush Script MT

Chalkboard: Chalkboard

Chalkboard SE: Chalkboard SE

Chalkduster: Chalkduster

Charter: Charter

Cochin: Cochin

Comic Sans MS: Comic Sans MS

Copperplate: Copperplate

Corsiva Hebrew: Corsiva Hebrew

Courier: Courier

Courier New: Courier New

DIN Alternate: DIN Alternate

DIN Condensed: DIN Condensed

Damascus: Damascus

DecoType Naskh: DecoType Naskh

Devanagari MT: Devanagari MT

Devanagari Sangam MN: Devanagari Sangam MN

Didot: Didot

Diwan Kufi: Diwan Kufi

Diwan Thuluth: Diwan Thuluth

EB Garamond: EB Garamond

ESRI Default Marker: ESRI Default Marker

ESRI Public1: ESRI Public1

ESRI Transportation & Civic: ESRI Transportation & Civic




Euphemia UCAS: Euphemia UCAS

Farah: Farah

Farisi: Farisi

Fira Code: Fira Code

Fira Mono: Fira Mono

Fira Sans: Fira Sans

Fira Sans Condensed: Fira Sans Condensed

Fira Sans Extra Condensed: Fira Sans Extra Condensed

Futura: Futura

Gallagher: Gallagher

Galvji: Galvji

Gasolyn Free: Gasolyn Free

Geeza Pro: Geeza Pro

Geneva: Geneva

Georgia: Georgia

Gill Sans: Gill Sans

Gujarati MT: Gujarati MT

Gujarati Sangam MN: Gujarati Sangam MN

Gurmukhi MN: Gurmukhi MN

Gurmukhi MT: Gurmukhi MT

Gurmukhi Sangam MN: Gurmukhi Sangam MN

Heiti TC: Heiti TC

Helvetica: Helvetica

Helvetica Neue: Helvetica Neue

Herculanum: Herculanum

Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro: Hiragino Maru Gothic Pro

Hiragino Mincho ProN: Hiragino Mincho ProN

Hiragino Sans: Hiragino Sans

Hiragino Sans GB: Hiragino Sans GB

Hoefler Text: Hoefler Text

ITF Devanagari: ITF Devanagari

Impact: Impact

InaiMathi: InaiMathi

Inconsolata: Inconsolata

Inconsolata Condensed: Inconsolata Condensed

Inconsolata Expanded: Inconsolata Expanded

Inconsolata ExtraCondensed: Inconsolata ExtraCondensed

Inconsolata ExtraExpanded: Inconsolata ExtraExpanded

Inconsolata SemiCondensed: Inconsolata SemiCondensed

Inconsolata SemiExpanded: Inconsolata SemiExpanded

Inconsolata UltraCondensed: Inconsolata UltraCondensed

Inconsolata UltraExpanded: Inconsolata UltraExpanded

Input Mono: Input Mono

Input Mono Compressed: Input Mono Compressed

Input Mono Condensed: Input Mono Condensed

Input Mono Narrow: Input Mono Narrow

Input Sans: Input Sans

Input Sans Compressed: Input Sans Compressed

Input Sans Condensed: Input Sans Condensed

Input Sans Narrow: Input Sans Narrow

Input Serif: Input Serif

Input Serif Compressed: Input Serif Compressed

Input Serif Condensed: Input Serif Condensed

Input Serif Narrow: Input Serif Narrow

Inter Tight: Inter Tight

Iowan Old Style: Iowan Old Style

JetBrains Mono: JetBrains Mono

Johnston ITC Std: Johnston ITC Std

Kailasa: Kailasa

Kannada MN: Kannada MN

Kannada Sangam MN: Kannada Sangam MN

Kefa: Kefa

Khmer MN: Khmer MN

Khmer Sangam MN: Khmer Sangam MN

Khula: Khula

Kings Caslon Display: Kings Caslon Display

Kings Caslon Text: Kings Caslon Text

KingsBureauGrot: KingsBureauGrot

Klavika: Klavika

Kohinoor Bangla: Kohinoor Bangla

Kohinoor Devanagari: Kohinoor Devanagari

Kohinoor Gujarati: Kohinoor Gujarati

Kohinoor Telugu: Kohinoor Telugu

Kokonor: Kokonor

Krungthep: Krungthep

Kubos: Kubos

KufiStandardGK: KufiStandardGK

Lao MN: Lao MN

Lao Sangam MN: Lao Sangam MN

Liberation Mono: Liberation Mono

Liberation Sans: Liberation Sans

Liberation Sans Narrow: Liberation Sans Narrow

Liberation Serif: Liberation Serif

Lobster: Lobster

Lucida Grande: Lucida Grande

Luminari: Luminari

Malayalam MN: Malayalam MN

Malayalam Sangam MN: Malayalam Sangam MN

Marion: Marion

Marker Felt: Marker Felt

Menlo: Menlo

Micro 5: Micro 5

Microsoft Sans Serif: Microsoft Sans Serif

Miguta: Miguta

Mishafi: Mishafi

Mishafi Gold: Mishafi Gold

Monaco: Monaco

Mshtakan: Mshtakan

Mukta Mahee: Mukta Mahee

Muna: Muna

Myanmar MN: Myanmar MN

Myanmar Sangam MN: Myanmar Sangam MN

Nadeem: Nadeem

New Peninim MT: New Peninim MT

Noble Company: Noble Company

Norse: Norse

Noteworthy: Noteworthy

Noto Nastaliq Urdu: Noto Nastaliq Urdu

Noto Sans Adlam: Noto Sans Adlam

Noto Sans Armenian: Noto Sans Armenian

Noto Sans Avestan: Noto Sans Avestan

Noto Sans Bamum: Noto Sans Bamum

Noto Sans Bassa Vah: Noto Sans Bassa Vah

Noto Sans Batak: Noto Sans Batak

Noto Sans Bhaiksuki: Noto Sans Bhaiksuki

Noto Sans Brahmi: Noto Sans Brahmi

Noto Sans Buginese: Noto Sans Buginese

Noto Sans Buhid: Noto Sans Buhid

Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal: Noto Sans Canadian Aboriginal

Noto Sans Carian: Noto Sans Carian

Noto Sans Caucasian Albanian: Noto Sans Caucasian Albanian

Noto Sans Chakma: Noto Sans Chakma

Noto Sans Cham: Noto Sans Cham

Noto Sans Coptic: Noto Sans Coptic

Noto Sans Cuneiform: Noto Sans Cuneiform

Noto Sans Cypriot: Noto Sans Cypriot

Noto Sans Duployan: Noto Sans Duployan

Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Noto Sans Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Noto Sans Elbasan: Noto Sans Elbasan

Noto Sans Glagolitic: Noto Sans Glagolitic

Noto Sans Gothic: Noto Sans Gothic

Noto Sans Gunjala Gondi: Noto Sans Gunjala Gondi

Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya: Noto Sans Hanifi Rohingya

Noto Sans Hanunoo: Noto Sans Hanunoo

Noto Sans Hatran: Noto Sans Hatran

Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic: Noto Sans Imperial Aramaic

Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi: Noto Sans Inscriptional Pahlavi

Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian: Noto Sans Inscriptional Parthian

Noto Sans Javanese: Noto Sans Javanese

Noto Sans Kaithi: Noto Sans Kaithi

Noto Sans Kannada: Noto Sans Kannada

Noto Sans Kayah Li: Noto Sans Kayah Li

Noto Sans Kharoshthi: Noto Sans Kharoshthi

Noto Sans Khojki: Noto Sans Khojki

Noto Sans Khudawadi: Noto Sans Khudawadi

Noto Sans Lepcha: Noto Sans Lepcha

Noto Sans Limbu: Noto Sans Limbu

Noto Sans Linear A: Noto Sans Linear A

Noto Sans Linear B: Noto Sans Linear B

Noto Sans Lisu: Noto Sans Lisu

Noto Sans Lycian: Noto Sans Lycian

Noto Sans Lydian: Noto Sans Lydian

Noto Sans Mahajani: Noto Sans Mahajani

Noto Sans Mandaic: Noto Sans Mandaic

Noto Sans Manichaean: Noto Sans Manichaean

Noto Sans Marchen: Noto Sans Marchen

Noto Sans Masaram Gondi: Noto Sans Masaram Gondi

Noto Sans Meetei Mayek: Noto Sans Meetei Mayek

Noto Sans Mende Kikakui: Noto Sans Mende Kikakui

Noto Sans Meroitic: Noto Sans Meroitic

Noto Sans Miao: Noto Sans Miao

Noto Sans Modi: Noto Sans Modi

Noto Sans Mongolian: Noto Sans Mongolian

Noto Sans Mro: Noto Sans Mro

Noto Sans Multani: Noto Sans Multani

Noto Sans Myanmar: Noto Sans Myanmar

Noto Sans NKo: Noto Sans NKo

Noto Sans Nabataean: Noto Sans Nabataean

Noto Sans New Tai Lue: Noto Sans New Tai Lue

Noto Sans Newa: Noto Sans Newa

Noto Sans Ol Chiki: Noto Sans Ol Chiki

Noto Sans Old Hungarian: Noto Sans Old Hungarian

Noto Sans Old Italic: Noto Sans Old Italic

Noto Sans Old North Arabian: Noto Sans Old North Arabian

Noto Sans Old Permic: Noto Sans Old Permic

Noto Sans Old Persian: Noto Sans Old Persian

Noto Sans Old South Arabian: Noto Sans Old South Arabian

Noto Sans Old Turkic: Noto Sans Old Turkic

Noto Sans Oriya: Noto Sans Oriya

Noto Sans Osage: Noto Sans Osage

Noto Sans Osmanya: Noto Sans Osmanya

Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong: Noto Sans Pahawh Hmong

Noto Sans Palmyrene: Noto Sans Palmyrene

Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau: Noto Sans Pau Cin Hau

Noto Sans PhagsPa: Noto Sans PhagsPa

Noto Sans Phoenician: Noto Sans Phoenician

Noto Sans Psalter Pahlavi: Noto Sans Psalter Pahlavi

Noto Sans Rejang: Noto Sans Rejang

Noto Sans Samaritan: Noto Sans Samaritan

Noto Sans Saurashtra: Noto Sans Saurashtra

Noto Sans Sharada: Noto Sans Sharada

Noto Sans Siddham: Noto Sans Siddham

Noto Sans Sora Sompeng: Noto Sans Sora Sompeng

Noto Sans Sundanese: Noto Sans Sundanese

Noto Sans Syloti Nagri: Noto Sans Syloti Nagri

Noto Sans Syriac: Noto Sans Syriac

Noto Sans Tagalog: Noto Sans Tagalog

Noto Sans Tagbanwa: Noto Sans Tagbanwa

Noto Sans Tai Le: Noto Sans Tai Le

Noto Sans Tai Tham: Noto Sans Tai Tham

Noto Sans Tai Viet: Noto Sans Tai Viet

Noto Sans Takri: Noto Sans Takri

Noto Sans Thaana: Noto Sans Thaana

Noto Sans Tifinagh: Noto Sans Tifinagh

Noto Sans Tirhuta: Noto Sans Tirhuta

Noto Sans Ugaritic: Noto Sans Ugaritic

Noto Sans Vai: Noto Sans Vai

Noto Sans Wancho: Noto Sans Wancho

Noto Sans Warang Citi: Noto Sans Warang Citi

Noto Sans Yi: Noto Sans Yi

Noto Serif Ahom: Noto Serif Ahom

Noto Serif Balinese: Noto Serif Balinese

Noto Serif Hmong Nyiakeng: Noto Serif Hmong Nyiakeng

Noto Serif Myanmar: Noto Serif Myanmar

Noto Serif Yezidi: Noto Serif Yezidi

OS OpenMap Local: OS OpenMap Local

Olympicons: Olympicons

Olympicons 2: Olympicons 2

Optima: Optima

Oriya MN: Oriya MN

Oriya Sangam MN: Oriya Sangam MN

PT Mono: PT Mono

PT Sans: PT Sans

PT Serif: PT Serif

PT Serif Caption: PT Serif Caption

Palatino: Palatino

Papyrus: Papyrus

Party LET: Party LET

Phosphate: Phosphate

PingFang HK: PingFang HK

Plantagenet Cherokee: Plantagenet Cherokee

RODE Noto Sans CJK SC B: RODE Noto Sans CJK SC B

RODE Noto Sans CJK SC R: RODE Noto Sans CJK SC R

RODE Noto Sans Hindi B: RODE Noto Sans Hindi B

RODE Noto Sans Hindi R: RODE Noto Sans Hindi R

Raanana: Raanana

Roboto Flex: Roboto Flex

Roboto Mono: Roboto Mono

Roboto Serif: Roboto Serif

Roboto Slab: Roboto Slab

Rockwell: Rockwell

Rolves Free: Rolves Free

STIX Two Math: STIX Two Math

STIX Two Text: STIX Two Text

STIXGeneral: STIXGeneral

STIXIntegralsD: STIXIntegralsD

STIXIntegralsSm: STIXIntegralsSm

STIXIntegralsUp: STIXIntegralsUp

STIXIntegralsUpD: STIXIntegralsUpD

STIXIntegralsUpSm: STIXIntegralsUpSm

STIXNonUnicode: STIXNonUnicode

STIXSizeFiveSym: STIXSizeFiveSym

STIXSizeFourSym: STIXSizeFourSym

STIXSizeOneSym: STIXSizeOneSym

STIXSizeThreeSym: STIXSizeThreeSym

STIXSizeTwoSym: STIXSizeTwoSym

STIXVariants: STIXVariants

Sana: Sana

Sathu: Sathu

Satisfy: Satisfy

Savoye LET: Savoye LET

Sedan: Sedan

Sedan SC: Sedan SC

Seravek: Seravek

Shree Devanagari 714: Shree Devanagari 714

SignPainter: SignPainter

Silkscreen: Silkscreen

Silom: Silom

Sinhala MN: Sinhala MN

Sinhala Sangam MN: Sinhala Sangam MN

Skia: Skia

Snell Roundhand: Snell Roundhand

Songti SC: Songti SC

Source Code Pro: Source Code Pro

Source Sans 3: Source Sans 3

Source Serif 4: Source Serif 4

Source Serif Pro: Source Serif Pro

SourceCodePro+Powerline+Awesome Regular: SourceCodePro+Powerline+Awesome Regular

Spectral: Spectral

Star Jedi: Star Jedi

Star Jedi Hollow: Star Jedi Hollow

Sukhumvit Set: Sukhumvit Set

Superclarendon: Superclarendon

Symbol: Symbol

System Font: System Font

Tahoma: Tahoma

Tamil MN: Tamil MN

Tamil Sangam MN: Tamil Sangam MN

Telugu MN: Telugu MN

Telugu Sangam MN: Telugu Sangam MN

Thonburi: Thonburi

Times: Times

Times New Roman: Times New Roman

Trattatello: Trattatello

Trebuchet MS: Trebuchet MS

Unica One: Unica One

Verdana: Verdana

Waseem: Waseem

Webdings: Webdings

Wingdings: Wingdings

Wingdings 2: Wingdings 2

Wingdings 3: Wingdings 3

Zapf Dingbats: Zapf Dingbats

Zapfino: Zapfino

bridamount: bridamount

Using Fontconfig

fontconfig is the base Linux utility for managing fonts. We can list font using fc-list and then a set of ‘switches’ determining the kind of information we want back. Since fontconfig doesn’t exist on OSX or Windows, you’ll need to do some more investigating and poking around to get these details on a conda install (I’ll show an option further down)…

Here we ask fontconfig to format the output so that we only get the first part of the family name, and then we pipe (recall | sends output from one utility to another!) the output of that to sort, which sorts the output, and uniq which removes duplicates (which there will be because there are bold, italic, small-caps, etc. versions of each font). To make better sense of this you can always try playing around with all three steps in the output below!

fonts = ! fc-list --format="%{family[0]}\n" | sort | uniq
['.Al Bayan PUA', '.Al Nile PUA', '.Al Tarikh PUA', '.Apple Color Emoji UI', '.Apple SD Gothic NeoI']
Capturing output

Notice that we’re able to capture the output of an external application (called via the Terminal) with fonts = ! .... This can be useful when something is easy to do on the command line but hard to do in Python.

The below option also pipes output from fonctconfig, but to the grep utility which checks each line for the character sequence Liberation. Now we’re asking fontconfig to include style details which will relate to both weight (regular, bold, extra bold, light, etc.) and italic, bold, small caps, etc.

fonts = ! fc-list : family style | grep "Liberation"
['Liberation Mono:style=Bold', 'Liberation Mono:style=Bold Italic', 'Liberation Mono:style=Italic', 'Liberation Mono:style=Regular', 'Liberation Sans Narrow:style=Bold']

You can find more examples here, a more detailed set of instructions here, and even information about (for example) supported languages based on RFC 3066.

Here are the languages supported by the Ubuntu Light font:

langs = ! fc-list "Liberation Mono" : lang
print(sorted(langs)[:5], "...")
[':lang=aa|af|av|ay|be|bg|bi|br|bs|ca|ce|ch|co|cs|cy|da|de|el|en|eo|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fo|fr|fur|fy|gd|gl|gv|ho|hr|hu|ia|id|ie|ik|io|is|it|ki|kl|kum|la|lb|lez|lt|lv|mg|mh|mo|mt|nb|nds|nl|nn|no|nr|nso|ny|oc|om|os|pl|pt|rm|ro|ru|se|sel|sk|sl|sma|smj|smn|so|sq|sr|ss|st|sv|sw|tk|tl|tn|tr|ts|uk|uz|vo|vot|wa|wen|wo|xh|yap|zu|an|crh|csb|fil|hsb|ht|jv|kj|ku-tr|kwm|lg|li|ms|na|ng|pap-an|pap-aw|rn|rw|sc|sg|sn|su|za'] ...

Here are the monospace fonts installed:

monos = ! fc-list :spacing=mono : family | sort | uniq
print(sorted(monos)[:5], "...")
['.Apple Color Emoji UI', '.LastResort', '.SF NS Mono', '.Times LT MM', 'Adobe Garamond'] ...


Now that we know what’s available, the next step is to set up some useful defaults that we can re-use across multiple plots to ensure consistency of output. The format for specifying fonts on a per-figure basis is a dictionary, so where you see fontdict in the matplotlib documentation the following should work:

Here’s the example:

font = {'family': 'serif',
        'color':  'darkred',
        'weight': 'normal',
        'size': 16,
ff='Liberation Sans'
tfont = {'fontname':ff}
bfont = {'fontname':ff, 'weight':'bold', 'horizontalalignment':'left'}
afont = {'fontname':ff}

I am setting the ‘title font’ (tfont) and ‘body copy font’ (bfont) and ‘axis font’ (afont) here to use in the output below. You can pick another font and see what happens.

2.3: Using Fonts

At this point we’re going to work towards a kind of ‘atlas’ that would make it easy to compare some features for different London boroughs. I basically implemented a the basic matplotlib version of QGIS’ Atlas functionality.

# This will be whatever LA you processed last week
LA = 'Waltham Forest'
msoa_gdf = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join('data','geo',f'{LA}-MSOA_data.geoparquet'))
median_gdf  = msoa_gdf[['MSOA11CD','median_price','geometry']]
listing_gdf = msoa_gdf[['MSOA11CD','listing_count','geometry']]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

The Defaults

Here is a demonstration of some of the ways you can adjust features in a Python matplotlib plot. I’m not suggesting either of these is a good output, but that’s not the point! The idea is to see the various ways you can tweak a plot… And notice that we’ve not yet changed any fonts. And it shows.

# Set up a 1 x 2 plot (you can also leave off the nrows= and ncols=)
f,axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(8,6))
# ax1 will be the first plot on the left, ax2 will be on the right;
# a 2 (or more) *row* plot will return a list of lists... 1 list/row.
ax1 = axes[0]
ax2 = axes[1]

# Left plot is the median price
median_gdf.plot(column='median_price', ax=ax1, legend=True, cmap='viridis')
ax1.set_title("Median Price per MSOA");
# Turn off the frame, one side of the plat at a time
# Set the labels

# Right plot is the number of listings; note
# here the use of both zorder (which is the 
# 'stacking order' of elements on the plot, and
# the legend_kwds (keywords) to change the 
# orientation of the plot to horizontal
listing_gdf.plot(column='listing_count', ax=ax2, legend=True, cmap='plasma', zorder=1, 
                 legend_kwds={"orientation": "horizontal"})
ax2.set_title("Count of Listings per MSOA");
# Set a background colour for the plot
ax2.set_facecolor((.4, .4, .4, .2))
# Add grid lines and set their zorder to
# below that of the data on the plot
plt.grid(visible=True, which='major', axis='both', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=2, zorder=0)

# This is equivalent to the ax1.spines... 
# above, but if you use it here you lose
# the background to the plot as well!

# Remove the labels on the ticks of the 
# axes (meaning: remove the numbers on 
# x- and y-axes).

# Set the labels

Improving on Defaults

f,axes = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(8,6))

# Set up the plots
median_gdf.plot(column='median_price', ax=axes[0], legend=True, cmap='viridis')
listing_gdf.plot(column='listing_count', ax=axes[1], legend=True, cmap='plasma')
for ax in axes:
    # Note that here, set_facebolor doesn't work,
    # presumably because the axis is 'off'
    ax.set_facecolor((.4, .4, .4, .2))

# Add the 'super-title', but notice that it is not 
# longer either centered (x=0.025) or centre-aligned
# (horizonal alignment=left). We also see **tfont, which
# is a way of expading the 'tfont' dictionary into a 
# set of parameters to a function call. We do the same
# for the titles on each figure, but passing a different
# fontdict.
f.suptitle(LA, x=0.025, ha='left', size=24, **tfont)
axes[0].set_title('Median Price', size=20, **afont)
axes[1].set_title('Count', size=20, **afont)

# And add a short piece of text below the borough
plt.figtext(x=0.025, y=0.92, linespacing=1.4, va='top', size=12, 
            s=f"Total listings: {listing_gdf['listing_count'].sum():,.0f}\nMedian price: ${median_gdf['median_price'].median():,.2f}", **bfont);

Create an Atlas

Adding Picture-in-Picture

We’re now going to emulate a bit of QGIS’ Atlas function by creating two subplots and then adding a third plot afterwards that shows where the borough is.

f,axes = plt.subplots(1,3,gridspec_kw={'width_ratios':[1,4,4]}, figsize=(8,6))

# Plot 0 is basically being used as a 'spacer' 
# as you'll see below

# Plot 1 is the median price
median_gdf.plot(column='median_price', ax=axes[1], legend=True, cmap='viridis')
axes[1].set_title('Median Price', size=20, **afont)

# Plot 2 is the count of listings
listing_gdf.plot(column='listing_count', ax=axes[2], legend=True, cmap='plasma')
axes[2].set_title('Count', size=20, **afont)

# For plots 1 and 2... if you were doing this a lot it could be a function!
for ax in axes[1:]:
    ax.set_facecolor((.9, .9, .9, .5))
    ax.grid(visible=True, which='major', axis='both', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=2, zorder=0)
    ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='both', length=0)

# Add a *third* chart that we use as a kind of 'PiP'
# to show which borough we're talking about. The 
# add_axes call is here taking information about the
# positioning and size of the additional figure.
# Disable ax2.axis('off') if you want to see the
# figure in full.
ax3 = f.add_axes([0.015, 0.7, 0.2, 0.2])
spath = '' # source path
ddir  = os.path.join('data','geo') # destination directory
boros = gpd.read_file( cache_data(spath+'Boroughs.gpkg?raw=true', ddir) )
boros.plot(facecolor='lightgrey', edgecolor='w', linewidth=1, ax=ax3)
boros[boros.NAME==LA].plot(facecolor='r', edgecolor='none', hatch='///', ax=ax3)

# Add the 'super-title', but notice that it is not 
# longer either centered (x=0.025) or centre-aligned
# (horizonal alignment=left). We also see **tfont, which
# is a way of expanding the 'tfont' dictionary into a 
# set of parameters to a function call. We do the same
# for the titles on each figure, but passing a different
# fontdict.
f.suptitle(LA, x=0.025, ha='left', size=24, **tfont)

# And add a short piece of text below the borough
plt.figtext(x=0.025, y=0.65, s=f"Total listings: {listing_gdf['listing_count'].sum():,.0f}", size=12, **bfont);
+ data/geo/Boroughs.gpkg found locally!

Bonus Achievement Unlocked!

If you have the time and inclination, see if you can convert the above to an actual atlas output:

  1. You’ll want to turn this plot into a function so as to be able to produce (and save) the map for every borough.
  2. You’ll even need to parameterise the filename so that you save to different PNG files as well as going back to see how we generated the listing and pricing data frames for the Local Authority…
  3. And you’ll also need to make sure that you ensure a consistent colour bar (for all of London, because the median price and number of listings will vary rather a lot by LA)
  4. Then there’s the placement of the PiP for some boroughs with long names
  5. And finally, you might consider adding some more text to atlas–maybe pull some content from Wikipedia using Beautiful Soup (bs4)?

Think Text!

I also wanted to draw your attention to this outstanding piece on using text effectively in data visualisation: we often add labels as afterthoughts without too much regard for where they go or how they look; however, getting the content, positioning, size, and even font/font-weight ‘right’ can make all the difference to the effectiveness of your chart! The illustrations are top-notch.

And see the bibliography at the end!

Bookmark Me!

Basically, bookmark this blog post and refer to it every time you are making a map or chart.

Using Bokeh

Bokeh can do a lot more than this, but I just wanted to give you a flavour of the other visualisation tools supported by Python. This obviously works very differently in setup and use.

gdf_la = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join('data','geo','Listings_with_LA.geoparquet'))
msoas  = gpd.read_parquet(os.path.join('data','geo','London_MSOA_Names.geoparquet'))

For a Chart

Group the listings by Borough and Room Type, and aggregate by median price, also producing a count variable for the number of listings of each type in each Borough.

la_tots = gdf_la[gdf_la.NAME==LA].groupby(by='room_type', observed=False).agg(
                            {'price':'median', 'listing_url':'count'}
room_type price count
0 Entire home/apt 117.0 946
1 Hotel room NaN 0
2 Private room 47.0 687
3 Shared room 24.5 6
from import output_notebook, show
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool
from bokeh.palettes import Spectral4
from bokeh.models import CustomJS, Dropdown


room_types = la_tots.room_type.to_list()
prices     = la_tots.price.to_list()
counts     = la_tots['count'].to_list()

# Add hover tooltip
source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(

    ("Room Type", "@rt"),
    ("Number of Listings", "@count{,}"),
    ("Median Price", "$@price{,}/night")

p = figure(x_range=room_types, height=300, tooltips=TOOLTIPS,
           title=f"Median Price by Room Type in {LA}",
           toolbar_location=None, tools="")

p.vbar(x='rt', top='count', width=0.9, source=source)
p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
p.y_range.start = 0

Loading BokehJS ...

For a Map

This is not the prettiest code, but it should work…

from bokeh.plotting import figure

from import output_file, show, output_notebook, push_notebook, export_png
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, GeoJSONDataSource, LinearColorMapper, ColorBar, HoverTool
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.palettes import brewer

msoadf = gpd.sjoin(
            msoas[msoas.Borough==LA].drop(columns=['index_right']), predicate='within')
msoagrdf = msoadf.groupby('MSOA11NM').agg({'price':['median','count']}).reset_index()

I cobbled the mapping functions below together from two tutorials I found online (this one and this one). As you can see, this is a very different approach to mapping data, but it has clear benefits for exploratory purposes and produces fast, interactive maps… and I’ve not even added selection and filtering tools!

import json

def get_geodatasource(gdf):    
    """Get getjsondatasource from geopandas object"""
    json_data = json.dumps(json.loads(gdf.to_json()))
    return GeoJSONDataSource(geojson = json_data)

def bokeh_plot_map(gdf, column=None, title=''):
    """Plot bokeh map from GeoJSONDataSource """

    geosource = get_geodatasource(gdf)
    palette = brewer['OrRd'][8]
    palette = palette[::-1]
    vals = gdf[column]
    #Instantiate LinearColorMapper that linearly maps numbers in a range, into a sequence of colors.
    color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=palette, low=vals.min(), high=vals.max())
    color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=color_mapper, label_standoff=8, width=500, height=10,
                         location=(0,0), orientation='horizontal')

    tools = 'wheel_zoom,pan,reset,hover'
    p = figure(title = title, height=700, width=850, toolbar_location='right', tools=tools)
    p.add_tile("CartoDB Positron", retina=True)
    p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
    p.ygrid.grid_line_color = None
    # Add patch renderer to figure
    p.patches('xs','ys', source=geosource, fill_alpha=0.5, line_width=0.5, line_color='white',  
              fill_color={'field' :column , 'transform': color_mapper})
    # Specify figure layout.
    p.add_layout(color_bar, 'below')
    # Add hover
    hover = p.select_one(HoverTool)
    hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse"
    hover.tooltips = [("Borough", "@Borough"),
                      ("Neighbourhood", "@msoa11hclnm"),
                      ("Count of Listings", "@count"),
                      ("Median Price", "$@median")]
    return p

Reproject to Web Mercator:

msoa_gdf = pd.merge(msoagrdf, msoas, left_on='msoa11nm', right_on='MSOA11NM', how='inner')
msoa_gdf = msoa_gdf.set_geometry('geometry').set_crs('epsg:27700')
msoageo = msoa_gdf.to_crs('epsg:3785')
array([-6.74542047e+03,  6.71906611e+06,  3.04361304e+03,  6.73637453e+06])

And map it!

# Need to drop the right geometry column
# as Bokeh doesn't know how to handle two
# and tries to 'serialise' the second geom.
p = bokeh_plot_map(msoageo.drop(columns=['geometry_right','index_right']), 'median', title=f'MSOA-Level Activity in {LA}')

handle = show(p, notebook_handle=True)
🔗 Connections

And that’s it. That’s all she wrote! You’ve now covered in <10 weeks what many people might take 10 months to cover. So do not feel like either: 1) you know it all; or 2) you know nothing. You have learned a lot, but it’s probably just enough to see how much you don’t know. And that is the start of wisdom. Good luck, young Python-master!